Monday, April 4, 2022

Coming Out

Do you remember coming out of your mother's womb? I do.

In my late 30s and early 40s I experienced very clear and several (four- six?) recurring dreams. They were intense and felt real - not to be mistaken as surreal - it was as if it were actually happening again. There was an extreme deep tickling feeling at my sides, that I could not stop on my own. Concurrent was this freakish sound like a scream coming from the outside of my dark cave, which I interpreted as a witch's mad laugh or cry. Finally, those fat grabbing things (fingers) stopped pulling at my sides right when the screaming stopped and suddenly I was loosened and exposed to a bright light of which was seemingly new yet strangely familiar. The ordeal left me exhausted. While I wanted to rest I felt this intuition to keep an eye on my surroundings as I was being cradled by an unknown being. Not like that previous cradle of buoyant comfort I had moments before the torturous extraction of that mad tickling sensation at my sides that pulled me away from what I now know was my mother's womb.