Wednesday, October 30, 2019

G update

I called my vet's office today and asked the woman who answered the phone if I could get some kind of post-discount on the $956. I spent for Giselle's office visit, Xrays, tests, and meds. She said they don't give reimbursements after the work is done. I should have asked for one before the work was performed. G's worth it. She's worth more than money. All life is. But... two hours at $956 = too much. Those in the animal x-ray lab business are greedy s.o.b. mofos deserving of not so kind karma.

Giselle is like her self again. Even had a normal bowel movement today, finally. Eating well, and lively, play fighting, humping. No more lying low with her head between her paws like she usually does before a good stinky yellow vomit. I'm suspicious she was upset with me for not being home in the past week. When I had no workplace to go to for the prior two months she liked me being around and letting her hang out in the garage with me, taking her to the liquor store when I went to go buy lotto tickets and or beer, and going to Lowes or the pet store where she can smell all other dog's scents and urine. And, the sporadic walks around the neighborhood during all times of the day.

I'm not into "Bucket Lists", but if I had one there would be one item; to win the lottery. I'd buy a gigantic piece of property with lots of open lands. 100 or so acres. I'd get about 10 more chihuahuas, some cats, chickens, a greyhound or two. I'll section off the most of it for wild animals that need a safe home. Lions, tigers, and bears, and elephants, and every type of creature who needs freedom from whatever hell they may be in. We know there are people in this world that treat animals horribly. I want the power to rescue those precious beings. Don't you?

I have a 'lil theory: When all human beings learn and take action that all animals and all living creature's lives are equally as valuable as people's lives, people will start treating other people a whole hell of a lot better.

Ethnicism. Racism needs to be replaced with ethnicism. We are all the same race, but not all the same ethnicity. All those other ignoramuses 'isms that are slowing and dragging us down from evolving to our higher potential start with the lowest 'ism of all isms; speciesism.

G's Already Better! All Creatures deserve to be treated better.

My sweet poor lil' ill feeling 9 year old chihuahua, Giselle, has been lying low for a week now. In the past four days she's had very much less that solid stools, and a few mucus-like vomits. The entire chicken breakfast she ate two days ago, came back out within two minutes.

There are many more horrible things to feel, but one of the worst is not being able to know exactly how bad your animal companion is really feeling. I've had pets all my childhood, teenage, twenties, and adult life. I'm getting better at recognizing the symptoms of their discomfort, but they display it much more bravely than humans. Tomorrow I should get the test results that were taken today. The Dr. suspects pancreatitis. We're already on meds for that.

Disdainfully unsafe drivers

I've been driving since I was 16 years old. For the most part I've been an extremely considerate, law abiding, safe, conscience driver. 

Now days, more than ever, I've noticed more and more, and even more people carelessly avoiding the rules, maneuvering blatantly unsafely as if they are entitled to do so at the risk of every lives surrounded by glass and metal, and those in exposed flesh walking on the sides of the road, crossing, or standing at intersections with their toes at the edge of the curb. Although I like to think of myself as a live and let live type of person, this shit is beginning to really bother me a bit. Particularly the lane changers on the freeway that neglect to use their indicator. Or, those who use their indicator or not, and enter in and out of the double solid lines of the carpool lane whenever they please.

You know us who have a green light to turn right, into which ever lane we choose? We are often hindered, at that same moment, by oncoming motorist turning left as if they have the right of way. They do not. How and when did we gradually gain these disdainful people?