Saturday, March 21, 2020

Phantom Beyond the Glass Door

Here. A movie I made when I was 12 years old, (or around that time, at least.) thanks to my older cousin Dotty, who bought me an 8mm movie camera from a garage sale. She knew I loved movies, and that I wanted to eventually make a movie someday. You know you are loved when you receive a gift like this.

I filmed it, as well as directed two friends, and two relatives the best I could, got it developed thanks to my mom since I had very little babysitting money at the time, and spliced it together with my grandfathers 8mm editing machine. I knew what something like heaven was as I got to do something like that while most of the other pre-teens were out wandering around trying to figure out what to do with their lives. Well, that's how I imagined it. Later in years, my mom had the 8mm film transferred to video, and soon had that tape transferred to a DVD. How grateful I am.

Now, here in March 2020, as the "civilized" world has been advised to stay indoors during a contagious virus known as Coronavirus (COVID-19) and I have the digital is my first movie (sub-titles, sound and actor credits added in March 2020).